Friday, December 28, 2012

Year-End Favourites

Cocktail rings have BiiiiiGGG this year and most defin8ly getting bigger next year-well in terms of size and trend. Every fab (that you)'s gotta own @ least 1.
 OMggGosh..!!!you can never go wrong with a pair of killer embellieshed stilettos to make a grand entrance to a fashion event....:*
 Colour me beautiful with a palette of gorgeous pants to accessorize your jean collection. Just like jeans....i don't see these babies going out of style!!!
 A nude purse is every chica's must have in her closet....and just like the one above (credit unknown-sowi :( ) one can be sure to add some chain accessories or even a gorgeous scarf for a pop of colour. sure is beautiful.....
 Organise your accessories with these fabulous retractable little chests....visit for more
 A leather satchel works best when carrying books around e.g for college students and for just looking fab in the mall.
 Tick...Tok...!!!Time's pacing for you to get your own designer wrist doesn't only look gorgeous but its convenient for who usually has to reach out for your phone just to check the time. Check for a wide range of colours and designs.
 African prints/tribal prints or simply Ankara designs...made a huge impact this year and they will make an even more humongous impact in the latest fashion trends. Would fill my arm with a bunch of these...ha!!
 I got my head wrapped round....wrapped round..#singing,ha!!!! Try this accelerating trend on and off the run ways...get some fab scarves at any flee market any clothing store like Mr Price and you'l be sure to look sassy and naturally beautiful.
 Grab a book and get com4table....whoever thought of this...big upps to you!! This is genious...i love it and i want such a chair.
 Keep NAILING IT the TRIBAL chic way....colours popping are sure to catch everyone's eye with these. Give it a try,let your creativity run wild...!!!
 So much luuuurvvv for collar accessories....your shirt will never be blah again...!
 The detailing at the back of this biker jacket are a piece of artwork....super fab, super chic!!
Loving the design of this pair of heels....they look so comfy!! Where them.... like a queen and walk the talk!!
Over-sized clutches are a must have for any fierce fab!!! The size is so convenient if you got a lot to take with you.
Ankara designs....SALUTE!!!!! :*

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